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Plugin Description WP-Content Slideshow Plugin is a new, even much better Slideshow Plugin for WordPress. This Slideshow can show/feature up to 5 Posts/or Pages in a very clear way with a text and a featured image for every post/page. This Slideshow has a very nice pre-designed Layout. It shows all the titles and a little excerpt to the post/page on the right. On the left, the Slideshow features the image that was inserted in the post/page via post-thumbnail WordPress feature. Installation: Install the Plugin automatically via WordPress Plugin Installation Area weiterlesen »
You are looking for a fancy Slideshow to improve your Blog’s/Website’s Design? This is perfect for you! Front Slider includes as many Featured Posts as you like. You can define a Image for every Post/Page. It shows an excerpt, date, time and number of comments for every Post. The text and images are sliding smoothly – Front Slider generates nice thumbnails (with wordpress built-in-functions – no timthumb needed) through which can be slided and navigated. By clicking on the big image one gets directly to the featured Post/Page. Demo view weiterlesen »
Pluginbeschreibung: Das Featured Posts Slideshow WordPress Plugin ist ein neues Slideshow/Gallery Plugin für WordPress. Mit diesem Plugin können Sie ganz einfach einen wunderschönen Slider in Ihr WordPress Theme integrieren. In der Admin Übersicht können Sie die Kategorie, die Anzahl der Posts und einige Design Einstellungen vornehmen. Mit den Navigationspfeilen können Sie ganz Smooth durch die Posts sliden. Die Bilder der Posts sind direkt mit den Post von WordPress verlinkt. Installation: Lade das Plugin hoch in den wp-content/plugins Ordner und aktiviere das Plugin in deinem WP-Admin Bereich. Um die Featured Posts weiterlesen »