Plugin Description

* Added Post / Pages Order and Sort Support! *

WP Featured Content Slider is a very powerful WordPress Slideshow. You can feature as many Posts and Pages as you want. You can define a picture for every single post/page which will then be automatically cropped to the right resolution. WP-Featured Content Slider comes with a great option set. You can even define sliding effects such as „fade“ or „slideRight“ and many more. Furthermore you can adjust timeout and many Layout and Design Options. Inserting Posts/Pages to WP-Featured Content Slider is as easy as you can imagine. Simply choose „Feature in WP-Featured Content Slider“ when editing a post/page.


Install the Plugin automatically via WordPress Plugin Installation Area or download the newest version of the Plugin right below, extract the files and upload them to your wp-content/plugins folder.

  1. Download newest version from below
  2. Extract and upload to your wp-content/plugins folder
  3. Activate the plugin in WP-Admin
  4. Insert following PHP Snippet in your template file
    <?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-featured-content-slider/content-slider.php');?>
  5. Or you can use [featslider] as a placeholder in your Post/Page to insert the Slideshow
  6. Now Edit a Post or a Page and scroll down to „WP-Featured Content Slider Options“ which should be right below your Editor
  7. Choose „Feature in WP-Featured Content Slider“ and set an Featured Image („Feature Image“ when Editing Post/Page)
  8. Now save the post/page and have a look at your Slideshow!
  9. The image will be automatically cutted so that it fits the Slideshow (No need for timthumb anymore – Version 2.1)
  10. You can adjust Settings, Layout under Settings – WP-Featured Content Slideshow


view DEMO



Thumbnails are being generated automatically via wordpress built-in functionality. There is no need to support timthumb anymore. If you are already using the plugin with images, you will need to regenerate thumbnails (regenerate thumbnails plugin). If you are customizing image-size you will need to regenerate as well!

Enjoy this new Slideshow WordPress Plugin

Dieses Plugin wird zusätzlich gesponsert von Schönheitsoperation Hannover und Appartment und Ferienhaus am Diani Beach Kenia.

veröffentlicht in: Wordpress Plugins 153 Kommentare

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153 Kommentare zu Featured Content Slider WordPress Plugin

  1. […] more: Featured Content Slider WordPress Plugin | IWEBIX Tags: plugin, […]

  2. Andreas Hafenscher sagt:

    Hallo, das ist wirklich ein cooles Plugin. Danke.
    Kann man das auch vielleicht mit einem einfach trick für Pages verwenden?

  3. ärdbaer. sagt:

    Wirklich ein super Plugin!

    Allerdings habe ich zwei Probleme:
    1. Auf der Startseite werden bei mir nun nur noch die Artikel aus der Kategorie angezeigt, aus der auch die Artikel für den Slider ausgelesen werden. Wie kann man das ändern?

    2. Ist es irgendwie möglich den Slider so einzustellen, dass er automatisch (alle 4 Sekunden) weiterslidet und den nächsten Artikel darstellt, ich die Pfeile also quasi entfernen kann?

    Gruß und Dank im voraus.

  4. Luca sagt:

    Great plugin!
    Just one problem: I can’t show the links in the excerpt, it seems they’re cut down or filtered. I looked in the code and tried to modify or delete the content filter but it didn’t go.
    Can anyone help me?

    Thx in advance!

  5. David sagt:

    While I like the plug-in, I see that several people have asked about posts showing up below the slider on static pages, but the question is not being answered. I’ll ask again. Can this plug-in be used on a static WP home page with the page copy showing below the slider rather than all the posts?



  6. david sagt:

    Adding the following to your template after the slider code prevents posts from showing up below the slider on static pages.

    wp_reset_query(); // Restore global post data stomped by the_post().

  7. avenged sagt:

    Any way to include more than one category?

    • admin sagt:

      Hi avenged – Go to Admin Settings for Featured Content Slider and go to Category ID.
      Type in the categories seperated by comma f.e. 10,2,5 would display posts of category 10 and 2 and 5!

  8. avenged sagt:

    Thanks, its just confusing since this plugin was implemented into a theme I acquired. What file would I need to edit for it to have the same effect?

  9. mani sagt:

    thanks for such a nice plugin
    but i am having a little problem
    in my wp blog my dropdown menus are hiding behing the featured content slider …how to solve this probm….plzz plzz z telll

  10. Noosz sagt:

    I’ve a problem with the slider, the right button is not aligned, and I can’t find the part in the CSS to change this.

    A picture of my problem:


  11. Pebre sagt:

    First, Great Plugin!

    Q: How can i configure the javascript or php, in order to activate the autoscroll?

    Please Help!

  12. Sakae sagt:

    Hello, congratulations for this great plugin.

    David explained how to get rid of a annoying BUG that came with this plugin (

    Plugin is installed and working just fine.

    But I want to know how to show randomly articles from this category, since I have more than 3.

    Every time I add one, it just changes the last one. I would like to show all random.

  13. Alioso sagt:

    Very nice plugin.
    Just a quick comment, online 33 of content-slider.php , don’t forget to include a closing trailing slash for the img tag , for proper html validation.
    That’s it.

  14. Ray sagt:

    Has anyone figured out how to make it autoscroll?

  15. […] als Feld “Thumbnail” und die komplette URL zum Bild angeben. Ganz wie hier beschrieben: […]

  16. gcmedia sagt:

    habe mir Featured Content Slider eingebaut. Er zeigt mir aber keine Thumbs obwohl ich ein neues Feld „Thumbnail“ angelegt und ein Bild per direktem URL-Path angegeben habe.

    Sehe lediglich das bekannte rote X in weißem Kasten.

    An was kann das liegen?

  17. xenon sagt:

    Thank you very much for your plugin. I’m using it and I’m very happy with it! 🙂

  18. […] Featured Content Slider 30. Mai 2010 | Autor: KHK Das WP Featured Content Slider von Dennis Nissle zeigt Posts einer bestimmten Kategorie mit Hilfe von Javascript in einer Art […]

  19. […] Featured Content Slider | 30. Mai 2010 | Autor: Karl-Heinz Das WP Featured Content Slider von Dennis Nissle zeigt Posts einer bestimmten Kategorie mit Hilfe von Javascript in einer Art […]

  20. Study Stuff sagt:

    Awesome plugin, I appreciate your efforts!

  21. Unterwegs in Spandau sagt:

    Das freut mich…
    Wieder ein Slider gefunden, um ihn zu testen. Mal schauen, ob es diesmal der Richtige ist.
